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25% Off

Bottle Gourd (लौकी)

  • With the common household name ‘Lauki’, Bottle gourds come in different shapes and sizes.
  • Considered as one of the healthiest vegetables around, the flesh of bottle gourds are full of water and taste slightly bitter.
8% Off

fenugreek (मेथी)

Methi leaves are a very popular ingredient in Indian dishes that has a bitter taste and strong aroma

12% Off

Beetroot (चुकंदर)

It Is Organically Grown And Handpicked From Farm
Product image shown is for representation purpose only, the actually product may vary based on season, produce & availability.

9% Off

Sapota (चीकू)

  • Brown skinned sapotas are smooth to grainy textured, musky-scented and deliciously sweet in taste.
  • The flesh generally contains 2-3 large and inedible black seeds. Fresho sapotas are freshly plucked by our farmers and the best quality is delivered to you.


20% Off

Green Chilli (हरी मिर्च)

Thai chillies have smooth skin that turns from bright green to a vibrant red hue when fully mature. With a meaty textured flesh that encases many tiny seeds, it got its name because of their shape resembling a birds beak.

30% Off

Betel Leaf (ताज़ा पान)

  • Fresho brings to you fresh Betel Leaf. This is also called paan ka Patta.
  • It has many curative and healing benefits.
  • They are rich in vitamins like vitamin C, thiamine, niacin, riboflavin, and carotene and are a great source of calcium.
  • These leaves used as a stimulant, an antiseptic, and a breath freshener.
  • It can be batter-coated and deep-fried till absolutely crisp.
31% Off

Lemon Grass (नींबू घास)

  • Lemon Grass is a culinary herb that comes with an excellent aroma.
  • It is also used as a medicinal herb in India.
  • It has a subtle citrusy flavour and can be used fresh or even dried and powdered.
25% Off
11% Off

Fig (अंजीर)

Fresh figs, also known as Anjeer, are small to medium sized, with a bright green to yellowish coloured skin. Their flesh is pink blush to deep magenta with a mass of juicy seeds. They have honey like sweetness with fresh flavour and nuttiness from the numerous seeds. Fresho figs are high quality, finely packed figs delivered to you

12% Off

Amaranthus – Red ( लाल माठ)

  • A highly nutritious leafy vegetable, Red Amaranthus has bright red leaves and a flavor similar to a beat.
  • The Red variety produces feathery purple, magenta, or red flowers from the central stalk which is packed with edible seeds.
  • But once they mature and become bushy, they are not edible and should be avoided.
11% Off
18% Off

Curry Leaves (करी पत्ते)

  • Curry leaves are an essential element of Indian cooking style where numerous of the traditional and modern recipes are imperfect without curry leaves.
  • These are used as tasting agent in food for its different taste.
  • With dark green and glossy appearance, curry leaves have a strong flavour and release a tasty aroma when fried in hot oil.
7% Off
17% Off

Amaranthus – Green (हिरवा माठ)

  • A highly nutritious leafy vegetable, Red Amaranthus has bright red leaves and a flavor similar to a beat.
  • The Red variety produces feathery purple, magenta, or red flowers from the central stalk which is packed with edible seeds.
  • But once they mature and become bushy, they are not edible and should be avoided.
19% Off

Mixed Sprouts (मिश्रित अंकुर)

A valuable health food, Mixed Sprouts are rich in vitamin C, E, proteins and dietary fibre. An excellent storehouse of nutrients, it cleanses blood and aids metabolism.

9% Off

Dragon Fruit (ड्रैगन फल)

It is an extremely beautiful fruit that has dazzling flowers and an intense shape and color. A Dragon Fruit is usually a dark red color, although some types of this are pink or yellow. The skin of the fruit is a thin rind. It’s skin is usually covered with scales and the center of the fruit is made up of red or white, sweet tasting pulp.

29% Off

Colocasia (अरबी)

  • A stuffy, fleshy underground root, Colocasia is also called ‘Taro Root’.
  • It is oval/globular in shape with a hairy coating on its skin and whitish yellow flesh.
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